Index of artists

List of bids for the lot

Lot: 19
Title: Senza titolo
Year: 1940'
Artist: Carlo Cherubini (1897-1978)
Dimensions: cm 59x43
Technique: Oil on canvas
Signed bottom left
Signs of craquelure.

Date and timeBid typeStatusBid
19/10/2024 21:52:10onlineexceeded400,00 €
30/10/2024 10:26:43onlineexceeded450,00 €
30/10/2024 21:50:02onlineexceeded500,00 €
05/11/2024 10:42:13onlinerefused500,00 €
05/11/2024 10:42:13auto rebidexceeded550,00 €
05/11/2024 10:44:39onlineexceeded600,00 €
09/11/2024 14:53:13onlineexceeded650,00 €
09/11/2024 16:25:04onlinerefused700,00 €
09/11/2024 16:25:04auto rebidexceeded750,00 €
09/11/2024 16:25:16onlinerefused800,00 €