Index of artists

List of bids for the lot

Lot: 58
Title: Senza titolo
Artist: Vittore Zanetti Zilla (1864-1946)
Dimensions: cm 35x25
Technique: Oil on canvas
Signed bottom left
Certificate of authenticity by Biasini Giampaolo

Date and timeBid typeStatusBid
14/10/2024 22:52:43onlineexceeded700,00 €
25/10/2024 12:04:27onlinerefused750,00 €
25/10/2024 12:04:27auto rebidexceeded700,00 €
04/11/2024 20:11:54onlinerefused750,00 €
04/11/2024 20:11:54auto rebidwinner700,00 €