Index of artists

List of bids for the lot

Lot: 16
Title: Studio
Year: 1932
Artist: Antonio Giuseppe Santagata (1888-1985)
Dimensions: cm 30x40
Technique: Oil on wood panel
Signed bottom left
Work displayed in the exhibition " III Mostra del Sindacato Regionale Fascista Belle Arti del Lazio" at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, via Nazionale in Roma, as per label on the reverse.

Date and timeBid typeStatusBid
14/10/2024 22:50:52onlineexceeded600,00 €
04/11/2024 20:11:25onlinerefused650,00 €
04/11/2024 20:11:25auto rebidexceeded600,00 €
04/11/2024 20:13:08onlinerefused650,00 €
04/11/2024 20:13:08auto rebidwinner600,00 €